Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Hey Guys. Just had an article published as part of the 'Soul Purpose' E-Zine. Soul Purpose are a wicked organisation who are building a fantastic influence on New Zealand youth culture. Enter, article...

I have a confession. I, like many young Christians throughout New Zealand, am “on the prowl.” Over the last few months I've watched many of my friends get engaged and married. They all seem to be racing ahead in this game of life while I woefully lament my somewhat endless status as on the shelf.
After waiting six lonely years for little-miss-right to come along I must shamefully admit that I've only just begun to seek God on why things are the way they are.

And as always, whenever I go looking for a little of Jesus’ character, he often reveals a lot – and often a lot of things about myself I would've rather ignored. It's like attempting to empty half a can of spaghetti into a pot, the rest always seems to slide out anyway. A similar situation happened recently on my quest to find meaning within my prowl.

"..a husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself. A husband who loves his wife shows that he loves himself." - Ephesians 5:28 (CEV)

Talk about a curve-ball. This sucker hit me straight between the eyes.
You see, the hardest part of this scripture for me wasn't regarding loving a girl the way she deserves, it was about learning to see myself the way God sees me. It was about learning to look past my faint lisp, my awkward running style and my complete lack of co-ordination. But beyond this, it was about learning to love the state of my heart. To see the beauty behind my cynicism, my judgmental mind, my uncontrollable tongue, and my very kiwi desire to cut down anyone who starts to invade my oh-so-precious limelight.

With the help of a friend, I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to love a quality in someone else you can't love in yourself. It is a matter of identity. It is crucial to our ability to love and reach those around us, and it is essential to accepting the grace Christ gave so freely on the cross.

I issue a challenge to myself and others like me. Take a break from your search for the girl/guy of your dreams, and be honest with yourself about your shortcomings and insecurities. God wants to minister to your brokenness and bring healing. As David writes in Psalm 147:3 (NIV), “He (God) heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
The more I search for the future Mrs Scottie, the more I discover that my self-worth and security cannot lie in the arms of anyone but my Creator. So easy tigers! Relax, be patient, and allow God to repair and prepare you. Learn to love the person God has created you to be.


phil_style said...

Back once again with the renegade master. . . Scottie takes a leap into the dark abyss that is relationships . . . I would offer my thoughts on the "Why am I still single" subject, but I fear I wuold offend too many people.

BTW: the answer applies to myself also, so it wouldn'tbe directed as criticism . . LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh it's blog world, humour me with your thoughts p-style...

phil_style said...

I'll try to post some stuff today or tomorrow. Will leave a comment here when it's done. . .

phil_style said...


I've coined it "Bio-Curse", see link below:

This may not aplpy to You, but this is a conclusion I have come to. :)

phil_style said...


As promised I've posted a more serious response. See my Enviro-Chrsitian Page.


Anonymous said...

Is God one wicked guy?

What's the devil, then?

phil_style said...


Perhaps one could ask is God a guy? Then what's a guy? Or is God even one?

Also what's evil? And what's wicked?

I'm not really sure how your comments relate to the article written by Scottie. If you're proposing theology then there's a plethora of writing on addressing these questions dating back thousands of years. I think it's a pretty big ask to expect complete responses to those MASSIVE questions within the comments page on a Blog. . . . Still, congratulations for having a open and questioning mind.

BK said...

yo Scottie, I know I emailed you after the ezine came out - enjoyed this article, well done for you putting it out there.

just leaving a comment to say so again :-)
and to let you know I visited... I'm back in the blogoshpere, having been absent for a while.

catch up soon brosef?!
