Sunday, June 3, 2007


No doubt you'll see a few posts about this around the place over the next couple of days. I've just spent the past weekend working at 'Fuse', Global Tribe's replacement for the former YFC Capital Teen Convention (or CTC). It seems this rebrand was exactly what was needed to breathe fresh life and energy into the event - it was an amazing time. Here are some great links to check out who were instrumental in making it happen.

Global Tribe
The key sponsor of the event. Global Tribe set out with the goal of raising $5k during the weekend to build a new home for an impoverished Mexican family. As far as I know they achieved it. Good stuff!

Soul Purpose
A New Zealand Christian Youth Magazine who went way beyond the call of duty constructing an entire village of stalls and shops to support the cause. By selling Pinatas and running a coin trail they raised almost a thousand dollars of additional funding.

This was one of the highlights of the weekend for me, seeing so many of my home church give their time to bless young people through serving at the event. Out of a core membership of about 50, over 30 community members volunteered throughout the weekend. I was incredibly proud to call myself a Blueprinter this weekend :0)

That's it for the moment. I'm sure Sam will post something more substantial soon so refer to his blog for more details on the event. Otherwise keep an eye on the Fuse website.


Debs said...

Yes yes and again I say yes.Wasn't it flippen cool to see so many family helping out!? My heart swelled with pride at seeing all the Blueprint musketeers helping from morning till night. I am a newbie to CTC/FUSE but i had such a cool cool cool weekend and perhaps I can say that I now sort of like teenagers just a little bit more.....

I didn't realise young people had substance, an opinion of their own, and a heart that bleeds their own blood and not just the blood they are imitating of their friends. I thought that most tears teenagers cried were crocodile tears - i forgot that they experience real pain and heartache. I guess I forgot what MY teenage years were like and being at FUSE reminded me that young people are REAL and have real experiences. It's so good to be reminded of that.

Andrew said...

It's really exciting to be hearing so much good feedback about Fuse... it's making me feel so much better about my aching legs and feet and the overwhelming tiredness!
I don't get to see too much backstage keeping an eye on the tech crew... but it's always awesome working with a huge group of young people that are really into serving, using their talents behind the scenes.

Scottie Reeve said...
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Scottie Reeve said...

Trust me mate, your hard work doesn't go unnoticed.
Can't wait to work with you again at our next underpaid and overworked venture together :)