Monday, May 28, 2007


Just a quick moment of self-reflexivity to look back on my own hypocrisy.
It seems the further I get into 'the conversation' the more I wish I'd never stumbled upon it.
Here's a query for myself and others in our quest to know how much critique is too much...

People of a similar ilk to me will often argue the two following points:

a.) That the 'Way of the Master' method of Evangelism is off. That to ask people to turn-or-burn is wrong because scripture tells us that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict people of their sin, not ours.
b.) That if we do not critique and discuss issues with other ministries our brothers and sisters will create a distorted presentation of who Jesus is. That critique is an essential part of us giving the best we can to this world.

Here's are my questions:

Q:Why is the Spirit enough to convict non-christians of their sin, but not enough to convict Christians of their errors within ministry?

Q:Why do we trust God will prompt those who don't know him, yet feel such an urgency to tell other christians how they should present him to the world?

Interested to hear your thoughts...


Anonymous said...


I like your questions. I think that Christians are scared to witness. I know I was scared to death to get started, and I still often feel fear. If people admit that they're just scared, then they'll be expected to overcome their fear. If they can keep offering excuses, they can get out of it.


P.s. My favorite verse concerning the "law to the proud, grace to the humble" method is Galatians 3:24 (The law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ).

phil_style said...


I think it is both. Us and Him. We are vessels for His work, and we also have free will, so it's not completely one-way street.

I like Bills' verse. Jesus was pretty clear about how to deal with the proud or haughty. We are also encourgaed to take our problems to our brothers. But this kind of activity exists withni the community. We are not encoruaged to take up our beef with those not in the community.

There' lots to be said on this subject, and the space ehre doesn't do it justice. . , Tiem for another Sam, Phill, Scottie & Andy Coffee I feel . .. .

Chris D said...

Great questions there and no easy answers.... Law, grace, freedom, righteousness...

Jesus only ever seemed to get angry with the God-folk who had distorted, misunderstood, and twisted God's message. Somehow, he never needed to need to onvince the non-religious people that he came across that they were sinners. In his presence, they were keely aware of the fact that they needed grace and forgiveness.

But does that make finger pointing and God-policing our job? I don't think so. I prefer to think that our job is to more and more seek the revealing and transforming presence of Jesus in our lives and ministries.

In His presence we are transformed.
In the Light all is made clear.

Scottie Reeve said...

In response to Bill's comment,
"I think that Christians are scared to witness."

Scared to witness, or scared to preach? Isn't a witness what we are, not what we do? Preachers like Ray Comfort may be gifted evangelists, but only having 5 minutes time for each person he meets strikes me as a very poor witness.

Interested to hear your thoughts...